Days to GO
The display shows customized fields for several projects or events and all of them will count down simultaneously. Every day the display will count down by 1 to show the remaining days for each event. When the count down reaches 0, the counter stops counting down that display value and continues for the other events that still have time left.
Gadiyara - Vehicle Digital Clock
Commute vehicles are supposed to stop for short times at every pickup point to pick up employees for work. Disputes arise over the correct time, if the passenger misses the vehicle and the claim they arrived on time.
The commute vehicle clock is clearly visible to all the seated passengers and the stop time and start time is fixed with this clock as a reference. Therefore, disputes are reduced.Gadiyara - Vehicle Digital Clock
Production Counter
Simply enter the production quantity desired at the end of the shift. Set the shift start time, lunch time and tea breaks.
The Actual value is obtained by a manual push button or by connecting it to a machine.
This tool is successfully implemented in various garment and apparel manufacturing units and in the automotive manufacturing industry.
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The Days to go Display shows how many days are left for an event or project. This can be used to time the start or end of the event.
The commute vehicle clock has been developed to provide a common indication of time within the vehicle.
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Our production information system allows easy implementation of Lean Manufacturing using this tool.