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An excellent alternative to manual timekeeping with automated bell ringing
The Time Tutor is specially designed for Educational Institutions and Industries where the Bell timer plays a critical role in running the day. The timer can be set to ring upto 50 bells per day with variable bell ring duration for each bell. Time Tutor has four types of schedules “Daily”, “Exam”, “Holiday”, Summer Camp”.
Time Tutor is Microcomputer Controlled with Quartz Crystal Clock for accurate time. The device shows the real time clock during normal operation and a LED indication for each bell. Time Tutor comes with a large memory to store upto 50 bell timing for each day of the week with multiple schedules.
Time tutor allows you to operate the bell manually by pressing a external switch on unscheduled times and emergencies.
Time Tutor has a simple computer keyboard(USB connector) interface to program the bell timings with foolproof UI to avoid programming wrong timings. Time Tutor allows you edit/delete the existing bell timings to accommodate new timings.
Time Tutor is easy to install with help of your school electrician. Time Tutor operates on 230V AC and your existing bell/new bell can be connected to the Time Tutors Output.